Singing Guide: Toni Arden
Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources
Toni Arden was a renowned American singer of the 1950s known for her uniquely rich and rhythmic voice. One of her signature singing techniques involves a touch of vibrato on the last note of a phrase. This adds a subtle and beautiful effect to her performance that is hard to replicate.
To learn singing like Toni Arden, you need to become familiar with the basic vocal techniques such as pitch accuracy and breath control. Use Singing Carrots vocal range and pitch accuracy tests to hone your skills. The pitch training tool offers interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualization, and exercises to build your range and agility.
To learn Toni's technique, use the search tool to find songs that showcase the vibrato effect on the last note of a phrase. Some of her most famous songs include "Padre," "I Can Dream Can't I," and "A Foggy Day."
To further improve your singing, our online singing course includes a 21-lesson program covering singing theory and practical tips. The course also discusses contemporary vocal techniques such as heavy modal, twang, and belting.
To develop your performance skills, use Singing Carrots vocal pitch monitor to see your sung notes on a virtual piano. Explore the first session of our educational course that focuses on fundamental singing techniques.
For even more vocal exercises, try the various skill-related videos. Learn about voice break and mixed voice to master vocal registers. Improve your breath support with Farinelli breathing and humming warm-up exercises. Boost articulation and eliminate nasal tones with the finger bite and soft palate tutorials.
Finally, always remember to practice good singing posture and remain relaxed, especially when performing. Check out our article on how posture affects your singing and how to overcome stage fright. Vocal health is important, so read our article on how to maintain your vocal health.
To summarize, to sing like Toni Arden, master the basics, train with the Singing Carrots tools, explore Toni's vocal techniques in her famous songs, take our online course, and practice, practice, practice!